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Using Adaptive Product Information to 2x Your Product Page Conversion

HC Team

In our latest webinar, my co-founder Ben and I unpacked how the best eCommerce stores are using adaptive product information to significantly improve their buyer journeys to drive higher revenue, improve ROAS and more!

We also fielded questions from the audience such as:

  • Can I use Prodport to improve my product page conversion rate in time for Black Friday/Cyber Monday? (Spoiler alert: you can)
  • How can I develop personas/customer segments if I am unsure about where to start? Can Prodport’s solution help with this?
  • How will Prodport impact loading speed of the product page?

Try Prodport Free

Didn’t get a chance to join live? Check out the recording here.

P.S. – we’re offering a limited-time opportunity for 5 store owners to take the fully-featured version of Prodport for a free test drive in advance of our wider release in the Shopify app store. Sound interesting to you? Schedule time with our team to learn more!

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