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How Furesque doubled Facebook ROAS, email revenue, and increased conversion rate by 61%

HC Team

About Furesque

Furesque is an eCommerce store that provides picturesque photos of you and your fur-mily. Customers submit their best photo of each pet and person, and Furesque transforms them into a custom illustration that can be printed on framed portraits, coffee mugs, and more!

The Tech Stack:


2.55x Increase in Facebook ads ROAS
10x ROI on platform costs to revenue generated
61% Increase in conversion rate


Furesque’s Shopify back end is limited to one product ID, and thus it has a single product page. The owners of the store came up with a multi channel campaign that promotes a gift when a visitor purchases  a portrait. They needed to:

  1. Create a version to each channel they have used. Namely, Facebook Ads, Klaviyo email, attentive SMS, as well as a product version for organic traffic with the campaign details,
  2. Ensure symmetry in messaging with the original channel used to interact with their customers and prospects,
  3. Give control to their marketing team to design the campaign without changing the original product information on their Shopify instance.

Previously, Furesque would create a landing page, send all campaign traffic to the landing page, which ultimately led to the product page.

This was an expensive and time consuming exercise that unnecessarily widened the marketing funnel and didn’t yield satisfactory results. At the same time, this issue wasn’t contained to only Furesque. Many eCommerce stores today follow this formula.


With Prodport, Furesque was able to maintain the base product but created a Product Version that emphasized the specific promotion. This enabled congruent messaging between what a user saw on email, SMS and ads, and what they saw on the product page. Thus, when a user clicked on the promotion from either email, SMS, or ads, they were sent directly to the product page; however, Prodport would display a version that explained the specific offer.

Prior to our partnership with Prodport, we created campaign-specific landing pages. Compared to a generic product page, it performed better, but it added another click and took us close to a week to create – it was expensive and time-consuming. When I first heard about Prodport, I was skeptical. It sounded too good to be true, creating another version of the existing product page with no code, in minutes and in the same layout. They promised high ROI and conversion rate upside with quick set up. In the world of personalization, I’ve never heard of something that powerful yet so simple to operate. The results speak for themselves. This is a game changer for me, and I recommend it to every online store.

Kaitlin McGrath, VP of Marketing at Furesque

All of these changes took less than 20 minutes, and unlocked significant gains in performance for Furesque. With Prodport, you can create a similar improved customer experience through adaptive product information for your store.

Ready to take us for a test drive? Talk to one of our experts and get started now!