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Chirp increases conversion rates by 49.7% with Prodports’ dynamic product pages

HC Team

About Chirp:

Chirp is an ecommerce company that specializes in products that provide back, and neck pain relief, increased flexibility, posture correction, and muscle tissue recovery. Chirp was focusing on increasing its conversion rates and generating more revenue without relying on spending more money on ads, and increasing paid budgets only with increased conversion rates. Additionally, Chirp needed a solution that would allow them to make speedy updates and test product pages content without changing the base product page and without needing to make any code changes.


49.7% Increase in conversion rates
36.55  Increase in add to cart ratios
100x ROI


Chirp needed to optimize their existing website to improve user experience, increase engagement, and ultimately drive more sales. However, they also needed to do this in a way that allowed for speedy updates and testing of product pages without changing the base product page. The company sought a solution that would enable them to make these updates quickly and efficiently.


To address the problem, Chirp partnered with Prodport. Prodport’s tools allowed Chirp to test their product pages quickly and efficiently without changing the base product page.

Prodport recommended publishing different versions of the product page, each highlighting other aspects of the buyer’s needs from the product. The title and description were automatically generated by the AI composer, and images that are used in social and influencers were added and reshuffled automatically.  In adding social proof to the website to build trust with potential customers. They optimized the product descriptions and images to provide more information and appeal to the target audience. Results:

Moreover, rather than directing the traffic generated by their email and ad campaigns to generic product pages, they devised specific versions with identical content and messaging tailored to the source of the incoming traffic, be it from emails or ads. This allowed them to eliminate the need for landing pages altogether, thereby reducing friction in the purchase process, and saving time and money that would have otherwise gone into creating landing pages.

The changes made by Prodport resulted in a 49.7% increase in conversion rates, 36.55% increase in add to cart ratios, and a 6 digit revenue that represents over 100X return on investment. The set-up time for the changes was only 60 minutes with no changes to the code, which saved the company time and money. The high ROI allowed Chirp to invest in further growth opportunities. The ability to test product pages quickly and efficiently allowed Chirp to make updates in a timely manner and improve their overall website performance.

“We needed a solution that would allow us to make speedy updates and test product pages without changing the base product page. Prodport’s solution provided us with the flexibility we needed to test, segment and personalize our product pages quickly and efficiently. The new product page versions we launched had an immediate and significant impact on our sales, and we’re excited to continue working with them to grow our business.”

Peter Neuenswander, Director of Technology, Chirp