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How to Boost Your eCommerce Agency Revenue in 2024

HC Team

Oh, the exciting world of eCommerce – where you, as an agency owner, play a starring role. The clients expect you to guide their online business to ecommerce growth.

Observe the market well to come up with a new digital marketing strategy that will keep your ecommerce development services fresh.

Boost revenue flowing in your ecommerce agency and know what to watch out for and how to deal with it in the coming year.

Challenges for ecommerce marketing agencies for 2024

A new year brings new challenges for your ecommerce growth agency to deal with. Based on the latest data, here are the top issues that you should put first on your “be aware” list.

The balance between human and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

For eCommerce marketing agencies, AI is a mixed bag. It offers helpful tools for making things more personal and efficient. In addition, it means letting go of human contact.

Constantly learn and adjust. Agencies need to use AI in their strategies, from search engine optimization (SEO) to social media, but they also have to keep the human element that customers like. The main task is to balance AI with a personal touch in marketing.

How to handle it?

  • Use AI for data analysis and automation, but apply human creativity for strategy and content development.
  • Continuously train your team on new AI tools, but also emphasize the importance of empathy and creative thinking in their use.

Inflation and economic fluctuations

The inflation rate is finally slowing down, which is a good sign. Nevertheless, it will take some time before an ecommerce business bounces back. As costs still go up, clients might cut back on their spending.

Agencies have to prove their worth and show good returns on investment. They need to make the most of their marketing strategies, even with fewer resources.

How to handle it?

  • Be flexible and adjust to economic change. The aim is to keep offering quality services without increasing costs, whether through cost-effective social media advertising or targeted email marketing.

Staying ahead with ecommerce technical SEO algorithms

Search Engine Optimization is always changing, and eCommerce SEO agencies need to keep up. Search engines update their algorithms often, so yesterday’s tactics might not work today.

An ecommerce agency should always be learning and tweaking their SEO strategies. They need to understand technical SEO, content marketing, and what online consumers want. For online businesses, this means constantly improving their online presence to stay visible and relevant.

How to handle it?

  • Regularly update your knowledge of the latest search engine algorithms and search engine optimization trends.
  • Refine your ecommerce SEO tactics, focusing on both technical aspects and content marketing.
  • Combine forces with an ecommerce SEO agency (if you don’t provide such services)

Personalization vs. privacy

With increasing concerns over data privacy, eCommerce marketing agencies face the challenge of balancing targeted marketing campaigns with respect for consumer privacy.

But, still 71% of consumers expect a personal touch. (Shopify Report

In order to accomplish this, complex regulations and ethical considerations must be navigated. Agencies must find innovative ways to personalize without overstepping, using data responsibly to craft marketing messages that resonate with eCommerce brands and their audiences.

How to handle it?

  • Create personalized product pages that adjust the images, titles, and descriptions to individual shoppers without taking advantage of their sensitive data. (You can easily integrate your clients’ online stores with Prodport and increase conversions by up to +46%!).

Social media growing influence on ecommerce

Social media is becoming a key player in online shopping. Most adults who use the internet are also active on social media – and many of them (especially younger people) use these platforms to check out brands. Social media is quickly becoming a go-to for finding products, with sales through these channels breaking the $2 trillion mark by 2025.

Statistics about projected social commerce sales worldwide.


Businesses are noticing that good social media experiences make customers more likely to buy from them. But, this increased focus on social media has led to a rise in paid social media advertising costs. Even though the cost of paid advertising has started to drop, companies are still spending more on paid media than before.

How to handle it?

  • Focus on building a community on social media and encourage customers to create and share UGC (User Generated Content) about your client’s brand. This approach helps build a stronger connection with your audience and can boost sales without relying solely on a bigger digital advertising budget.

Creating omnichannel experiences

Today’s customers look for a seamless experience across all platforms, including websites, social media, and emails. To meet this expectation, agencies must develop marketing strategies that deliver a consistent message and brand experience across all channels.

This challenge calls for a mix of creative thinking, technical know-how, and a thorough grasp of what drives customer behavior, ensuring engagement at every point of the customer journey.

How to handle it?

  • Make sure your brand’s experience is consistent whether a customer is shopping on your website, reading an email, or interacting with your brand on social media.
  • Use data to understand your customer’s preferences and behaviors and tailor your approach to meet their needs at every touchpoint.

24 ways on how ecommerce marketing agency can grow its revenue in 2024

Hiring an ecommerce agency goes with a lot of expectations. What can you do to meet your clients’ needs and their customers’ growing demands?

Learn how to maintain a steady cash flow in your ecommerce digital marketing agency (just proven tips!).

1. Use AI for personalized customer experiences

Using AI is normalized now – and an ecommerce marketing company should be aware of it in their offering.

Incorporate AI in your services to offer more tailored solutions.

💡  Strategy boost: Use AI tools for detailed customer analysis, helping clients fine-tune their marketing efforts. AI can also assist in predicting trends for search engine marketing, paid search, and social media.

Offering these advanced AI solutions, ecommerce marketing agencies not only deliver superior results for their clients but also create additional revenue streams through high-value service offerings.

This can lead to higher conversion rates and stronger customer loyalty. 

2. Implement advanced data analytics for market insights

Your digital marketing agency might have a goldmine of data, but without the right analytics tools – it’s just numbers and graphs.

So, what agencies can do is really harness these analytics to understand customer behavior like never before. This isn’t just about who clicked what – it’s about predicting trends and knowing what customers will want even before they do. Think of it as giving your clients a crystal ball for their marketing strategies.

This method can identify opportunities or risks early, giving your clients an advantage over competitors. In the quick-moving world of ecommerce, a small lead can make a big difference. 

3. Explore new revenue streams through cross-channel marketing

For ecommerce marketing agencies, the magic lies in cross-channel marketing. It’s about connecting the dots between different platforms – social media, email, web, and even offline channels.

Ecommerce agencies that master this art of digital marketing services can offer clients a seamless brand experience, boosting engagement and conversions.

For example, imagine a campaign where an engaging social media post leads to an interactive email quiz and, finally, to a personalized product page. This interconnected ecommerce agency approach can capture a wider audience, increase engagement, and open up new revenue streams.

Their services extend beyond just an ecommerce marketing agency – they become a full-service ecommerce agency that guides ecommerce businesses through today’s complexities.

4. Boost user experience with AR and VR technologies

Ecommerce marketing companies are on the brink of a new frontier with AR and VR technologies. You can virtually try on clothes or explore a 3D model of a product in an online store.

Top ecommerce marketing agencies using these technologies can offer immersive experiences, setting their clients’ ecommerce brands apart.

This isn’t just about web development and new web design, it’s about creating a whole new world for online shoppers. As Baume & Mercier does with its watches.

VR and AR technologies in ecommerce.

5. Optimize your voice search results

Voice search optimization is the new battleground for ecommerce SEO agencies.

With more people using voice assistants for shopping, ecommerce businesses need to adapt. The focus is no longer solely on keywords – it’s about natural language queries.

💡  Strategy boost: Your creative marketing agency can really shine by optimizing content not just for search engines but for actual human conversations.

Ecommerce marketing companies that offer voice search optimization help their clients stay relevant in a rapidly changing digital marketing landscape. 

6. Adopt sustainable and eco-friendly business practices

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword.

It’s a business imperative, especially for ecommerce companies.

Ecommerce marketing agencies have a unique opportunity to lead the way in adopting eco-friendly practices. This could range from promoting sustainable products in marketing campaigns to implementing green practices in ecommerce development.

By aligning with the values of environmentally conscious consumers, ecommerce businesses can build brand loyalty and trust. Digital growth agencies with a future-oriented focus know sustainability is good for business as well as the planet.

7. Provide better security and transparency with blockchain

Picture a world where every customer review is trustworthy and every product’s journey is crystal clear.

Introducing blockchain into your digital strategies means you can offer clients a way to prove the authenticity of reviews and the ethical sourcing of their products.

As a result, you’re giving your clients a superpower – the power to showcase their commitment to honesty and ethical practices in a way that’s visible and verifiable.

💡  Strategy boost:  It’s about storytelling – creating a narrative of trust and transparency that resonates deeply with customers and sets your client’s brand apart.

Think of a coffee brand using blockchain to trace every bean from farm to cup, captivating eco-conscious consumers. Each bean tells a story of sustainable farming, fair trade, and a journey across continents. It’s a story that turns customers into advocates and products into symbols of change.

Transparency with blockchain in Starbucks.


8. Market in multiple languages and cultures

The best ecommerce marketing companies know that business growth isn’t local – it’s global.

Imagine tailoring your social media marketing to celebrate a local festival in Spain or launching a special product line for a popular event in Japan. Culture-based marketing understands and respects different cultures. 

💡  Strategy boost: Such a multicultural marketing campaign need to reflect people’s lives and experiences. Use your marketing skills to bring people together, showing that while they might be different, they share common ground. This is how you turn a campaign into a celebration of diversity.

As a top ecommerce marketing agency, educate yourself in the cultural nuances and trends of different markets.

This strategy not only boosts your performance marketing but also cements your reputation as a digital growth agency focused on comprehensive ecommerce marketing services. Tailor your approach to each locale, ensuring that your marketing campaign is as effective in Tokyo as it is in New York.

9. Innovate with IoT for smarter product interactions

The best ecommerce agency is the one that turn ordinary products into interactive experiences.

Imagine an ecommerce store where a smartwatch not only tracks fitness but also suggests health products or workout gear from the same store.

This is where ecommerce development agencies can truly differentiate themselves, by integrating IoT for smarter, more engaging customer interactions.

💡  Strategy boost: Collaborate with clients on ecommerce website development to integrate IoT features that align with their business goals and enhance customer engagement.

Innovative approaches like these can elevate you as a standard ecommerce digital agency into an award-winning ecommerce agency. The more advanced services you offer, the more dynamic, interactive experience you create for your clients’ customers.

10. Design and optimize for mobile devices

Optimize for the customer who is always on-the-go.

Leading digital marketing strategies are focusing on mobile UX to enhance customer engagement, like how Zalando mobile app simplifies the shopping process.

Zalando and its responsive app.


You should work with your clients on ecommerce stores where the journey from product discovery to checkout is as smooth and intuitive as scrolling through a social media feed.

💡  Strategy boost: Be a performance marketing agency and prioritize mobile-friendly ecommerce development. Websites should load quickly, have intuitive navigation, and integrate seamlessly with social media platforms.

11. Increase reach with influencer marketing

Picture a popular food blogger raving about your client’s artisanal cheese selection.

That’s the kind of genuine promotion that gets people talking and buying.

You can’t just have big names, you need to find the right fit for your client’s brand as well. It’s about creating a buzz that feels real because it is.

Find influencers who genuinely love what your client sells. Engagement and authenticity matter more than numbers.

When you have checked off the work with social media management for an ecommerce store, think of influencers as your secret weapon to make the brand relatable and desirable.

12. Explore subscription models for steady revenue

How does subscription models work in sales services?

They’re turning one-time buyers into long-term fans.

You’re the best ecommerce digital agency, right? You can help your clients set up a subscription service that keeps customers coming back for more, month after month.

Help your clients pick products perfect for subscriptions. Maybe it’s a monthly book club or razor blades, like Estrid.

Estrid as an examples of ecommerce on subscription model.

Make sure their website can handle recurring orders smoothly. It’s about creating a hassle-free experience for both the business and the customer.

13. Improve customer service with advanced chatbots

Always on, always helpful.

Chatbots are the unsung heroes of customer service in ecommerce. They’re there when you can’t be, answering questions at 2 AM or helping someone choose the right size.

For a digital marketing agency, adding a chatbot to your client’s site can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction.

And they usually provide easy integration!

Choose a chatbot that’s smart enough to handle a variety of questions but friendly enough not to feel robotic. It’s about making your client’s customers feel heard and helped, anytime they need it.

Advanced chatbots as a solution for ecommerce agencies.


14. Manage inventory using predictive analysis

Imagine knowing exactly what your clients need to stock up on before they even ask.

That’s the power of predictive analysis. It’s like having a magic wand for inventory management, helping ecommerce stores avoid both surplus and shortages.

💡  Strategy boost: Analyze sales history, current trends, and social media chatter to predict future demand. This proactive approach ensures your clients are always ready to meet their customers’ needs without unnecessary overstocking.

With these predictive tools, your ecommerce clients can optimize their storage costs and improve cash flow, increasing their agility and responsiveness to the market.

15. Retain customers through loyalty programs

Loyalty programs that offer real value can turn one-time buyers into long-term customers.

Think about exclusive deals, points for purchases, or sneak peeks at new products.

These programs should offer tangible benefits that encourage repeat purchases and deepen customer engagement.

Well-crafted loyalty programs not only incentivize repeat business but also provide valuable data on customer preferences and buying habits.

And you can use this information further to tailor future marketing campaigns – making them more effective and driving further business growth.

16. Provide new payment methods

Guide your clients in integrating a comprehensive array of payment methods. 

💡  Strategy boost: Your clients’ online stores should not only provide the standard credit and debit card options, but also emerging digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Wallet, local payment methods specific to certain regions, and even cutting-edge options like cryptocurrency payments.

The key is to provide a frictionless and secure transaction experience that respects the customer’s choice and privacy.

Look at the Allbrids example. They provide all best-know payment options (including express checkout).

Payment options to boost ecommerce agency revenue.

17. Take advantage of User Generated Content (UGC)

User Generated Content stands as a testament to a brand’s real-world impact and customer satisfaction.

UGC serves as a bridge of trust between potential customers and your client’s brand, showcasing the product in action and the satisfaction it brings to real users.

💡  Strategy boost: Integrating Prodport into a client’s store allows you to easily integrate UGC into product pages. When Kahlmi leveraged UGC on its personalized product pages with Prodport, its conversions increased by 30%!

User Generated Content on Kahlmi product pages powered with Prodport.

Including UGC into marketing strategies does more than just provide authentic content. It creates a community around the brand.

This community-driven approach leads to deeper customer engagement, with users not only interacting with the brand but also with each other.

It amplifies brand reach, as each piece of UGC has the potential to be shared across different networks, attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

18. Build customer trust and loyalty with cybersecurity

Ecommerce agencies must prioritize cybersecurity to protect their clients’ and customers’ data.

Security measures such as SSL certificates, secure payment gateways, and regular security audits are part of this process.

Educate your clients on the importance of highlighting their cybersecurity measures in their marketing. Customers are more likely to trust and shop from sites that openly communicate their commitment to security.

Strong cybersecurity measures not only prevent data breaches but also build long-term customer trust.

Customers who feel their data is safe are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend the brand to others. In this way, effective cybersecurity becomes a cornerstone of customer loyalty and brand reputation.

19. Boost customer education with interactive content

Interactive content is a powerful tool for customer education.

It’s about providing valuable information in an engaging and interactive format, such as quizzes, interactive videos, or infographics. This approach helps customers understand products better, leading to more informed purchasing decisions.

Glossier, for instance, helps prospects find the perfect match between their products with a short quiz.

Interactive content and quizzes in ecommerce agency solutions to boost revenue.


💡  Strategy boost: Assist your clients in creating content that not only informs but also entertains. For example, an interactive quiz to help customers choose the right product, or a video tutorial that involves the viewer in the learning process. The goal is to make learning about products fun and engaging.

By investing in interactive content, ecommerce agencies can help their clients build a more informed and satisfied customer base.

And, well-informed customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchases – leading to higher retention rates and positive word-of-mouth.

20. Increase user engagement and sales with gamification

Gamification in ecommerce is about transforming the shopping journey into an interactive and enjoyable experience.

By incorporating elements like points, badges, leaderboards, or challenges into your client’s online store, you can significantly increase user engagement and sales.

Gamification taps into the human desire for competition and achievement, making shopping more than just a transaction.

Encourage your clients to integrate gamification in ways that resonate with their audience. For example, they could offer rewards for customer reviews, create a points system for repeat purchases, or run time-limited challenges for exclusive discounts.

The goal is to make customers feel like they’re part of a fun, engaging game where every interaction with the brand brings them closer to a reward.

21. Apply circular economy principles to sustainable growth

Integrating circular economy principles into ecommerce strategies means focusing on sustainability and resource efficiency.

In this approach, you encourage your clients to adopt practices such as recycling, reusing, and reducing waste.

The prime example of circular economy in action is Nespresso’s approach to coffee capsule recycling. They encourage customers to return used capsules to their stores, providing special bags for this purpose. This initiative not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also helps Nespresso reduce production costs by reusing the materials needed for production.

Circular economy principles in nespresso.

Adopting circular economy principles can significantly enhance your client’s brand value.

It positions them as responsible and forward-thinking, appealing to a customer base that values sustainability.

22. Discover micro-moment marketing

Micro-moment marketing focuses on capturing the customer’s attention at just the right time.

It’s about being there when customers are ready to learn, discover, or buy.

During these crucial moments, ecommerce agencies need to optimize their content and ads to increase conversions.

Guide your clients in identifying and leveraging these micro-moments. This could involve using search engine marketing to appear at the top of search results when customers are looking for specific products, or using social media marketing to target customers based on their recent browsing behavior.

💡  Strategy boost: Create dynamic product pages with Prodport. It’s a tool that based on the information you provide, create the best product pages for individual users. Thanks to that, the customer gets the information they want at the right time and moment.

Effective micro-moment marketing leads to more than just immediate conversions. It enhances the overall customer journey. By being present in these key moments, your clients can build a relationship with customers, guiding them from discovery to purchase and beyond.

23. Make hyper-targeted marketing campaigns with big data

By analyzing vast amounts of data, you can gain deep insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and trends.

This enables the creation of highly personalized marketing campaigns that speak directly to the customer’s needs and interests.

💡  Strategy boost: Use big data to segment audiences more accurately, tailor marketing messages, and predict future buying trends. For example, use customer purchase history and browsing behavior to create personalized email marketing campaigns or recommend products that align with their interests.

Hyper-targeted marketing campaigns based on big data not only increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts but also enhance the overall customer experience.

Customers are more likely to engage with content that is relevant to them, leading to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

24. Offer dynamic pricing strategies

Dynamic pricing is a strategy where prices are adjusted in real-time based on market demand, competition, and customer behavior.

As a result, ecommerce businesses are able to remain competitive and maximize profits.

Implementing dynamic pricing strategies can help your clients adjust their pricing to match market trends and customer willingness to pay.

While dynamic pricing can boost profitability, it’s important to balance it with customer perception.

Ensure that your clients communicate the value they provide and avoid drastic price fluctuations that might alienate customers.


To wrap it up, as an ecommerce agency, 2024 is your year to shine.

Dive into new tech, stay sharp with market changes, and keep your clients’ trust with safe, green choices.

Remember, staying flexible and always learning is your ticket to the top. Do this right, and you’ll not only boost your agency’s game but also become the go-to expert for your clients.