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Abandoned Cart Email That Work: 30+ Examples To Get Inspired

HC Team

E-commerce is a thriving marketplace, but it’s not without its challenges.

One of the biggest hurdles is cart abandonment. It’s like a customer walking into a brick-and-mortar store, filling their cart with items, and then just… leaving.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

But here’s the silver lining: abandoned cart emails. They’re the secret weapon of savvy online retailers. A powerful tool for reaching back to customers who have abandoned their virtual carts.

You’ll learn more about abandoned cart email templates for ecommerce businesses today.

What is abandoned cart email?

Abandoned cart email is a message sent to customers who’ve added items to their online shopping cart but exited without completing the purchase. It’s a gentle nudge, a reminder of what they’ve left behind, and an invitation to return and complete the transaction.

Why bother with abandoned cart email?

In terms of abandoned cart rates, the results are staggering and give us pause for thought. While in one ecommerce store, customers abandon carts because of some unexpected shipping costs, in another, it’s not high shipping costs that play the first fiddle – but, for example, lack of preferred payment methods.

These stats clearly show that high abandonment rates are a serious problem in ecommerce sales.

Statistics about abandonment rates in ecommerce.

Stats from: Statista

The abandoned rate ranges from 50%, to even 98%, depending on the industry.

This is why abandoned cart emails are a game-changer for e-commerce. They can significantly boost your sales conversion rates, increase sales volume, and get more loyal customers on board.

Think about it: these are potential customers who’ve shown a clear interest in your products. They’re so close to buying; they just need a little push. And email as a shopping cart reminder may help lost customers complete their purchases. If you know how to send abandoned cart reminders, you secured yourself a chance to recover lost revenue.

Elements of effective cart abandonment emails

Crafting an abandoned cart message that gets results isn’t rocket science, but it does require some thought. Let’s break a typical marketing email down.

Catchy subject line

Subject line is the first thing your customer sees, so it’s got to grab their attention. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. A dash of humor or a sense of urgency can work wonders for each attention-grabbing subject line.

Catchy subject line examples.

Remember, the subject line is your first and sometimes only chance to make an impression. Make it count. A well-crafted subject line can be the difference between an opened email and one that’s lost in the inbox clutter.

Personal touch

Nobody likes feeling like a number. Use your customer’s name, reference the items they’ve left behind, make them feel seen and valued. Personalization goes beyond just using the customer’s name. It’s about creating a connection, making the customer feel like the email was crafted just for them. It’s about relevance and resonance. The more personalized your email, the more likely it is to hit home.

💡 Did you know? There are solutions that can help you make email campaigns even more personalized. With Prodport, you can send boost your cart recovery emails efforts with relevant product page content based on the specific user’s interests.

Clear and compelling copy

Be direct, be engaging, be persuasive. Remind your potential buyer why they fell in love with your products in the first place. Your abandoned cart email copy should speak to the customer, addressing their needs and concerns. You can also include customer testimonials, free shipping offer, user generated content, and more.

You can also use social proof if applicable. Abandoned cart messages should evoke emotion and guide the customer towards the desired action. Every word counts. Choose them wisely.

High-quality product images

A picture’s worth a thousand words, right? Show them what they’re missing out on. High-quality images not only remind the customer of what they’ve left behind but also create a visual appeal that words alone can’t achieve. They bring your products to life, making them tangible and desirable. They’re a powerful tool in your abandoned cart email arsenal.

Actionable call to action

Don’t leave cart abandoners hanging. Tell them exactly what they need to do to complete their purchase. Your call to action (CTA) should be clear, compelling, and easy to follow.

Example of actionable call to action in abandoned cart emails.

abandoned cart email example from: Really Good Emails

It’s the final push, the instruction that guides the customer back to their abandoned items. Make it stand out. Make it irresistible.

Special offer

A little sweetener never hurts. Incentives can be the extra push that the customer needs to complete the purchase. They add value and reduce purchase barriers, making the decision to buy a no-brainer.

💌 Curb lost sales with such incentives as free shipping, discount codes, a gift purchase – these can tip the balance in your favor.

4 Types of abandoned cart email messages

Abandoned cart email takes different forms. Each one has its own purpose and strategy. Here are the typical emails to recover lost sales.

Reminder emails

The most basic type of an abandoned cart email. They simply remind the customer that they’ve left items in their cart.

The key: Friendly, non-pushy tone of voice that brings the abandoned cart back to the customer’s attention.

Incentive emails

Through these emails, customers get some sort of bonus to encourage them to complete their purchases.

The key: Limiting the offer, personalize it, and creating urgency – making the buyer feel special.

Incentive email example.

abandoned item email example from: Really Good Emails

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) emails

Emails like these play on the customer’s fear of missing out on a great product or deal. The goal is to push the customer to buy before it’s too late.

The key: Mention that stock is running low, that the sale is ending soon, or that others are also interested in the same items

Re-engagement emails

You can use follow-up emails to catch the attention of customers who haven’t responded to previous emails. The goal is to re-engage the customer, get them back to a checkout page in your online store, and address any barriers to purchase.

The key:  Ssk for feedback, offer help with any issues the customer might be facing, or provide more information about the products in the cart.

Abandoned cart email examples that curb lost sales

You don’t need to write long emails or use sophisticated forms. The reason for many abandoned carts is lack of time and opportunity to complete the purchase. You don’t need to elaborate on why they need the product – just let them know their cart is waiting for them.

Abandoned cart email templates: short version

Subject line: Oops! Did you forget something in your cart?
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you left some items in your cart. If you’re ready to complete your purchase, your cart is waiting for you. Don’t miss out on these great items!
[Link to Cart]
Happy shopping!

Subject line: Your future favorites are waiting for you!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
You’ve got great taste! The items you’ve selected are selling out fast. Don’t miss out on getting your hands on them.
[Link to Cart]
See you soon!

Subject line: Still thinking it over? 🛒
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We know that sometimes you need a little more time to decide. That’s why we’ve saved your cart for you. Take another look and see if you’re ready to take the plunge.
[Link to Cart]
We’re here if you need any help!

Subject line: We saved your cart for you
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Good news! We’ve saved your cart for you. If you’re ready to complete your purchase, just click the link below.
[Link to Cart]
Thanks for shopping with us!

Subject line: Don’t miss out on what’s in your cart
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
You’re so close to owning some amazing items. Don’t let them slip away! Your cart is waiting for you.
[Link to Cart]
Happy shopping!

Subject line: Your cart misses you 😢
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Your cart is feeling lonely. Why not come back and give it some company? Your items are waiting for you.
[Link to Cart]
See you soon!

Subject: Complete your purchase before it’s too late
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
The items in your cart are selling out fast. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Complete your purchase now!
[Link to Cart]

Thanks for shopping with us!

Subject: Your cart is about to expire ⏰
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Just a heads up, your cart is about to expire. If you’re still interested in the items, now’s the time to act.
[Link to Cart]
Don’t miss out!

Subject: Last chance to grab what’s in your cart
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
This is your last chance to grab the items in your cart. They’re selling out fast, so act now if you’re still interested.
[Link to Cart]
Thanks for shopping with us!

Subject: A special offer for items in your cart 💌
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you left some items in your cart. As a thank you for shopping with us, here’s a special offer just for you. Use the coupon code SAVE10 at checkout to get 10% off your purchase.
[Link to Cart]
Happy shopping!

Abandoned cart email heading example.

Here’s how Nomad is trying to recover abandoned carts. Email example from: Really Good Emails

Sometimes, a hook question is all you need to get that email opened!

⏰ FOMO works REALLY well for the abandoned cart emails. When customers see that they might miss out on a special offer, free shipping, or a hefty discount, they’re more likely to return to their cart and complete the purchase.

For example, a limited-time discount code increases urgency. The customer knows that if they don’t act fast, they’ll miss out on the savings. Similarly, offering free shipping for a limited time can push the customer to buy now rather than later.

Special offers, like a free gift with purchase, can also trigger FOMO. The customer doesn’t want to miss out on the bonus item, so they’re more likely to buy.

We’ve prepared a couple of templates to help you navigate through that.

Abandoned cart email examples: long templates with discounts

Subject: Your cart is calling!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you left some items behind. We’re all about making sure you get what you want, so we’ve saved your cart for you. And to sweeten the deal, here’s a 15% off discount code: CART15.
[Link to Cart]

Don’t wait too long, your cart and the discount code are only valid for the next 48 hours!

Subject: Did life get in the way?
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We get it, life happens. But don’t let that stop you from treating yourself. The items you’ve selected are still waiting for you. Plus, enjoy free shipping on us! Use code: FREESHIP at checkout.
[Link to Cart]

Remember, good things don’t always come to those who wait!

Subject: Don’t leave your favorites hanging!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Your cart is full of potential new favorites. Don’t leave them hanging! To help you make up your mind, we’re offering a 10% discount on all items in your cart. Use code: SAVE10 at checkout.
[Link to Cart]
Hurry, this offer won’t last forever!

Subject: Your cart is about to expire!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Time is running out! Your cart is about to expire. But don’t worry, we’ve got a little something to help you cross the finish line. Use code: LASTCHANCE for 20% off your entire purchase.
[Link to Cart]
Don’t let this opportunity pass you by!

Subject: Your cart is waiting, and so is a surprise!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. To show our appreciation for your interest, we’re offering a surprise gift with your purchase. Just use the code: SURPRISE at checkout.
[Link to Cart]
Who doesn’t love a good surprise?

Subject: Your cart items are selling out fast!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
The items in your cart are popular and selling out fast! We don’t want you to miss out. To help you secure your items, here’s a special 15% off discount code: FAST15.
[Link to Cart]
Act fast, your items won’t wait around forever!

Subject: We saved your cart and a special offer! 🎁
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you left some items in your cart. We’ve saved your cart, and to thank you for considering us, we’re offering free shipping on your order. Use code: SHIPFREE at checkout.
[Link to Cart]
Enjoy shopping without the shipping fees!

Subject: Your cart is waiting, and so is a discount!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. We hate to see you miss out, so here’s a 20% off discount code to help you complete your purchase: CART20.
[Link to Cart]
Don’t wait too long, your discount code expires in 48 hours!

Subject: Don’t miss out on your cart items!
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. To show our appreciation for your interest, we’re offering a 10% discount on your order. Use code: SAVE10 at checkout.
[Link to Cart]
Happy shopping, and enjoy your savings!

Subject: Your cart is about to disappear! 😶‍🌫️
Body: Hi [Customer’s Name],
Your cart is about to disappear, but we’ve got a little something to help you complete your purchase. Use code: LASTMINUTE for 15% off your entire order.
[Link to Cart]
Hurry, your cart and the discount code will disappear in 24 hours!

The power of emotions in abandoned cart email example.

Email example from: Really Good Emails

🤧  Emotions have the power to control human behavior. Even one persuasive sentence can shape the purchasing decisions of your lost customers.

For example, a pet store website could include a line like above “Don’t worry, we won’t tell your pet!” in an abandoned cart email, which can help create an emotional connection and encourage customers to come back and complete their purchase.

You can also use a follow-up email to reassure your recipients that you want to provide them the best possible experience. Let them know if they need any assistance or more information about the product in their carts.

Here are a few more tactical emails that you can use to remind customers that they leave something behind in your store.

Abandoned cart email examples: re-engagement

Subject: We Miss You, [Customer’s Name]!
Body: We noticed you left some items in your cart. If there’s anything we can do to help you complete your purchase, we’re here to assist you!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Your Cart Has a Story to Tell!
Body: Your cart is full of great picks, but the story isn’t complete. Can we help you finish it?

[Link to Cart]

Subject: Need Help, [Customer’s Name]?
Body: We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. If you’re having trouble with the checkout process, we’re here to help. Let’s get you those items you love!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Your Cart is in Limbo!
Body: Your cart items are stuck in shopping limbo. Let’s rescue them together!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Let’s Complete Your Purchase!
Body: We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. If you’re having any issues or need assistance, please let us know. We’re here to make your shopping experience as smooth as possible.

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Your Cart is Feeling Lonely!
Body: Your cart misses you and so do we. If there’s anything we can do to assist, let us know!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: Need More Information, [Customer’s Name]?
Body: We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. If you need more information about the products or have any questions, we’re here to help. Let’s get you those items you love!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Your Cart is on Standby!
Body: Your cart is patiently waiting for your return. If you need any help to proceed, we’re just a message away.

[Link to Cart]

Subject: Your Cart Items Are Calling, [Customer’s Name]
Body: We noticed you’ve left some items in your cart. If you have any questions or need more information, we’re here to help. Let’s get you those items you love!

[Link to Cart]

Subject: [Customer’s Name], Your Cart is Ready for Action!
Body: Your cart is ready for action, but it seems to be missing a hero. Can we assist you in any way?

[Link to Cart]

Best practices for abandoned cart emails

When it comes to abandoned cart emails, there are no golden rules. But, we have gathered a few handy tips to get your abandoned shopping carts taken care of.

Timing of the email

Don’t dilly-dally. Send the first email within a few hours of cart abandonment. Strike while the iron’s hot. The sooner you reach out, the better your chances of recovering the sale.

The customer’s interest in your product is still fresh, and the reasons for abandonment are still top of mind. Your abandoned cart strategy should always factor this in.

Frequency of sending abandoned cart emails

Don’t be a pest, but don’t be a stranger either. A series of two or three emails usually hits the sweet spot.

  • The first email serves as a gentle reminder.
  • The second offers an incentive.
  • The third creates a sense of urgency.

It’s a proven formula for email campaign that works to recover lost sales.

Mobile optimization

It’s a mobile world. Your emails should look and work great on any device. With more and more people using their mobile devices for shopping, mobile optimization is no longer optional.

It’s a must.

Your emails should be easy to read and navigate on a small screen, and your call to action should be easy to click on. As follows:

An example of mobile optimized cart abandoned email.

Email example from: Really Good Emails


Personalize your emails as much as possible. Use the customer’s name, reference the specific items they’ve left in their cart, and tailor your message to their shopping behavior. Personalization can make your emails more engaging and relevant, increasing the chances of conversion.

Attractive design

Your email should be visually appealing, with a clean, clear design that highlights the products left in the cart. Use high-quality images and make sure your call to action stands out. A well-designed email can draw the customer in and guide them towards the checkout.

Relevance and context

Make your emails relevant and contextual. If a customer abandons a cart full of winter clothing, it might be because they’re unsure about the weather forecast. So, in this case, you can use weather update in your email to reassure them and motivate them to place an order.

You can also take care of giving your lost customers the specific content they’re looking for. For example, with Prodport, you can add particular product pages from your ecommerce store to the corresponding email section. This way, you show your shoppers the items that caught their attention again. And maybe even turn up the average order value.

You may also like section in abandoned cart email example.

Email example from: Really Good Emails

Testing and analyzing performance

Don’t rest on your laurels. Test different approaches, analyze the results, refine your strategy. What works for one business might not work for another. Experiment with different subject lines, copy, images, CTAs, and incentives. Keep what works, discard what doesn’t, and always be on the lookout for ways to improve.

How to make abandoned cart emails part of your marketing strategy?

Thinking how to use abandoned cart email templates in your business? Think no further and implement our abandoned cart email strategy listed below.

#1 Choose the right email marketing platform

You need a platform that supports automation, segmentation, and analytics. Do your homework, pick the right tool for the job. Right email marketing tools can make your work a whole lot easier.

📊 Take your time to research and identify the perfect email marketing tool for your needs. The one that allows dynamic content, automates the process, tracks every click, and helps optimize your strategy. Just like Klaviyo helps its users to run effective cart abandonment campaigns.

#2 Segment your audience

Not all customers are created equal. Segment your audience based on their behavior, preferences, and purchase history. Segmentation allows you to tailor your abandoned cart email strategy to different customer groups, increasing their relevance and effectiveness. It’s all about sending the right message to the right person at the right time.

#3 Craft your abandoned cart email sequence

One email might not cut it. Plan a sequence of emails, each with a clear purpose and message. A well-planned email sequence can guide the customer through the purchase journey, addressing their concerns, overcoming their objections, and leading them toward the final purchase.

#4 Monitor and adjust your abandoned cart email strategy

When it comes to cart abandonment, you need to stay on your toes. Monitor your results, learn from them, tweak your strategy as needed. Email marketing is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. It requires constant monitoring, analysis, and adjustment. Keep an eye on your open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, and be ready to adjust your strategy as needed so shoppers abandon fewer and fewer carts.

Recover lost sales, get completed purchases

Abandoned cart emails are a potent weapon in the battle for e-commerce success. They’re not just about recovering lost sales – they’re about building relationships with your customers, understanding their needs and behaviors, and creating a shopping experience that’s irresistible.

So, don’t let cart abandonment get you down.

Roll up your sleeves, craft some killer email marketing strategy, and watch those lost sales turn into revenue. It’s about turning potential into profit, interest into action, and abandoned carts into completed purchases. Gear up, get creative, and let’s get those carts rolling to the checkout.

FAQ section: abandoned cart emails

Let’s sum up all the facts and info with these frequently asked questions.

Why are abandoned cart emails a big deal?

Abandoned cart emails are a big deal because they can significantly boost your sales conversion rates. They offer a second chance to re-engage customers who showed a strong interest in your products but didn’t complete the purchase for some reason. With the right approach, these emails can turn potential lost sales into revenue.

How can I make my abandoned cart emails more effective?

A few best practices include crafting a compelling subject line, personalizing the content, using high-quality images to remind them of what they’re missing out on, including a clear call to action that guides them back to the checkout, and offering incentives to sweeten the deal.

When should I send abandoned cart emails?

The timing of abandoned cart emails is crucial. It’s recommended to send the first email within a few hours of cart abandonment. This is when the customer’s interest in your product is still fresh, and the reasons for abandonment are still top of mind.

How can I reduce shopping cart abandonment in the first place?

Reducing shopping cart abandonment can be achieved by ensuring a smooth and user-friendly shopping experience. This includes transparent pricing information (no unexpected costs at checkout), multiple payment options, great user experience, and informing customers about the security of their data. Also, checkout option can help, as forcing users to create an account can lead to abandonment.